Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Credit Crisis....What Does It Mean To YOU

It means plain and simple, if you are going to be in the market for financing in the next 18 months you need to consider this. As huge companies close their doors so goes the creative mortgage financing. If you are a potential buyer you can no longer afford to sit on the fence. Beware that the volatile credit market can change overnight which will leave fewer options for financing. This is even more true for those looking to refinance.

Sellers need to be more flexible and willing to accept reduced prices. As the mortgage products diminish, the pool of qualified buyers will decrease as well. It is no time to "holdout" for the best price possible.

As an educated mortgage professional, I will utilize experience and resources to help you or your loved ones to navigate through these turbelent times. Don't leave your future in the hands of some random mortgage provider. I'm local, accountable, and you can trust I will do the best thing for you....

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