Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It Takes Unconventional Measures

Client—“I need to get mortgage approved right away. But my credit score is 590 which is 30 points low according to other lenders.”

Lender—“I have a secret weapon to boost your score. Are you ready to get it done by untraditional measures?”

Client—“Of course, I just need to get this done. What do I have to do?”

Lender—“Okay visit and sign up for $5,000 credit limit with $100 balance” the account will boost your score in thirty days or less

Client—“What type of credit line is this?”

Lender—“It’s a merchant account that allows you to buy books online and improve your credit score quickly”

Client—“But I don’t read books. So can I apply for a traditional or secured VISA or Mastercard?”

Lender—“Of course but I thought you wanted to get it done in 45 days or less”

Client—“I do but I would prefer to go with as secured VISA or Mastercard, you know a more reputable source..”

Lender—“Okay, call me back in thirty days to see if the $300 balance from Visa helped boost your score”

Client—“I need this done in 45 days or less. There’s a home I have under contract”

Lender—“Okay but since you don’t read books, and you prefer a Visa or Mastercard with a $300 credit line. I suggest you open the account and call me back to repull credit next month.

Client— (SILENCE)

Lender—“Hello, hello, are you still there?”

Client—“Yes, but I’m not sure about this

Lender— Well since you have never heard of merchant accounts before. I need you to do what you “think” is best

The purpose of this post was to show you how we talk ourselves out of moving forward, due to lack of knowledge. I really wish this client did read books but our purpose for using is to immediately raise credit scores so you can purchase a home. A home, that pays $8,000 before April 30th, provides excellent tax breaks, and the overall pride of homeownership. Then she can sit at her home and watch TV all day and never read book again in her life…

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